Everyone has experienced the sensation of being overwhelmed, to the point where even the smallest task seems insurmountable. For a single mom, this drowning sensation can easily become a day-to-day part of life between balancing parenting, providing for her family, and taking care of herself.

At PLH, our goal is to help single mothers out of that deep pool of stress and allow them to focus on their future, one step at a time.

We provide transitional housing for single mothers and their children, as well as mentorship, career counseling, and an individualized care plan fit to their needs. PLH is the only organization in the BCS area that addresses the needs of single mothers in this way.

Sometimes in life, it can feel like you’re drowning.

Our Foundations

Our organization's history is a testament to our faith-driven journey. In 2022, a new ministry chapter began when we acquired 7 acres of land just outside Bryan, TX. With dedication and hard work, we transformed two duplexes into spaces of hope and healing. Our mission took root as we started ministering to mothers and their children, offering them support, guidance, and a sense of belonging. Along this journey, we have witnessed the mighty hand of God at work, guiding us and blessing our efforts. Our history is a testament to our unwavering commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of those we serve, and we look forward to continuing this meaningful journey.

Our Future

Our future vision is fueled by a deep desire to extend our reach and impact. We are committed to helping even more mothers and their children find hope and support on their journey. In the coming year, we aspire to expand our physical footprint by constructing two additional duplexes, enabling us to accommodate more families in need. Moreover, we plan to broaden our programming, not only within our housing component but also by extending our support to families beyond our housing program. Our vision is a testament to our unwavering dedication to enhancing the lives of those we serve, both now and in the future.